Our Story

Meet The Couple

  • Son of Lawrence and Linda McFadyen, Michael was born in Livingston in 1992. Growing up, he was known as the calm and quiet one that as a baby, he was nicknamed “Buddha.” Sources have confirmed that Michael was, a little bit of a nerd and we love him for it. He graduated from University of Glasgow and moved to London, where he lived there for 7 years before deciding to go back to Scotland during the pandemic. Michael is an avid golfer, video gamer, and an excellent guitarist. He used to be in a band called The Sunset Clause and their current daily listener on Spotify is Chrys.

  • Daughter of Welly Chandra and Elliana Tjio, Chrys was born in Jakarta in 1994. She moved to Singapore when she was 14, then Australia when she was 17, and Las Vegas when she was 26. She’s always looking for a place to really settle down, like really really settle down. Luckily, she found her forever home with Michael, and will not be moving countries again for the foreseeable future. Her real passion is academia and working with young children (because teens scares her). When she starts teaching in Scottish schools, she hopes the kids won’t bully her for her accent. Fingers crossed!

Michael and Chrys’ journey began in 2022 when Chrys visited the UK for the first time. The two spent a weekend in Edinburgh together and realised how well they got along. When Michael came to Denver for a friend’s wedding, he offered to buy Chrys a plane ticket so they can spend more time together. She got her ticket and went to see him in Colorado. Michael never paid her back for her plane ticket.

After endless texts and 231 hours of video calls, they decided to take the leap of faith and made it official. Even with the distance and the fact that there were no direct flights from Las Vegas to Edinburgh, Michael and Chrys somehow managed thanks to the advancements of technology (and multiplayer video games). Their relationship involved a lot of crying at airports, countdowns and very expensive plane tickets. So instead of commuting every 2-3 months to see one another, Chrys decided she was the bigger simp and moved to Edinburgh permanently to be with Michael.

Long Distance? No Problem.

The hardest part about our relationship was the distance (and Michael’s terrible dad jokes). Michael was living in Uphall while Chrys was in Las Vegas. 7951 km (4940.522 miles) was not enough to keep them apart.

Quantifying Feelings.

Since they first met, digitally and physically, our love kept growing. See the chart below for how we quantify our feelings for one another. The results showed an exponential growth in love, like a modern day fairy tale.